NeWBIE - the NetBSD live CD for desktop and productivity tools

TDI’s NeWBIE is a tool similar to Arudius except its base operating system is different and not necessarily geared towards cybersecurity professionals only. NeWBIE is a NetBSD live CD that includes a large number of desktop and productivity tools. As such, the primary target for NeWBIE is the typical office employee that needs access to word processing software, spreadsheet software, internet browsing software, instant messaging software, etc. However, the core of NeWBIE is very similar to Arudius and with minimal effort NeWBIE can be converted into the NetBSD version of Arudius. In the 2006 CeBIT show in Hanover, Germany, NeWBIE was declared the most popular/requested open-source item featured at the show.

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